rich field - curriculum vitae
Professor Richard D Field OBE - DBA, MPhil, FCA, CDir, CIMgt, FIPD, FCIM, FRSA
Chairman of Field Enterprise Limited, specialising in Leadership Development and Coaching of Boards. Prior to this, he was for ten years Chairman of The Dyson Group plc. Prof Field's interests extend across the whole field of company, and community development and growth. He has a passion for individual, team and organisational growth and development, and his love of leadership and learning are the threads that link many of his past appointments, including:
- Finance Director of Bridon Wire Ltd - Responsible for finances, group IT and admin.
- Director of Bamford Business Services - Company turnarounds and financial planning
- Formation Chairman of the Sheffield TEC and a member of G10
- President of the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and a member of the ABCC
- Master Cutler of The Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire in 1996/97
- Chairman of the Executive Committee and Council Member of the Industrial Society
- Formation Director of the Sheffield Hallam University
- Formation Director of the Prince of Wales Volunteers
- Formation Trustee of Common Purpose
- Formation Chairman of Queen Margaret's School York Ltd
- Formation Director of John Carlisle Partnerships - Promoting co-operation in Industry, Commerce and the Public Sector
His qualifications and experience include:
- Visiting Professor at Sheffield Hallam University
- Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA): "Working with Top Management Teams: Conversations Contributing to Board Development."
- Master's Degree in Total Quality Management and Strategic Thinking (MPhil)
- Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and Chartered Marketer
- Companion of the Institute of Management
- Institute of Directors' Certificate in Company Direction
- Chartered Director of the Institute of Directors
- Ten-week General Management Course at the Manchester Business School
- Participated in Cabinet Office's one-month Top Management Programme
- Instructed for Dale Carnegie Courses
- Instructed in Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
- Qualified to train in Stephen Covey's First Things First and Principle-Centred Leadership
- Coached on Tony Robbins' Mastery University in Maui, and attended full Life Mastery programme
- Practitioner and Trainer for the International Neuro-Linguistic Programming Trainers Association (INLPTA)
- Qualified as an assessor of the EFQM's Business Excellence Model
- Chaired, as a non-executive and as a consultant, boards of directors in manufacturing, IT, retail and leisure industries
- First non-Industrial Society person to lead the Runge Effective Leadership Course at Balliol College
- Awarded The University of Sheffield's Centenary Medal
- Awarded an Honorary Fellowship by Sheffield Hallam University
- Has been coaching/mentoring senior and chief executives for the past thirty years; now jointly designed and runs a ten-day advanced executives programme named Integral Leadership
- Designed and led numerous leadership and development workshops at all levels within organisations large and small, including Yorkshire Water, Boots The Chemists and Sainsbury's.
- Within the recent past, working as a coach to boards including A4e Work, GB Posters, Highlander Business Solutions - as Chairman, and Yorkshire Water: main board, board of Waste Water, Vision 2020 team and AMP4 Capital Alliances both Large and Area schemes. Also the top executive team of The myhotel Group, and managers within Nabarro Nathanson.
His other interests include Family, Tai Chi (black jacket), exercise and reading. He holds a second Dan black belt in jujitsu.